Rural Medicine

Dr Hugo is passionate about providing quality care to people living in Australia’s rural towns. He regularly visits Warragul and Mildura and offers Telehealth appointments- accessible from anywhere.

Rural Medicine From Dr Hugo

A Note on Rural Medicine from Dr Hugo

The first birth I ever attended was at 2am as a first-year medical student in Yarrawonga. I was on rotation and living with a ‘GP Obstetrician’ and his family. I stayed with them several times a year for the majority of my medical training, and those experiences sparked two great passions in my life: obstetrics and gynaecology and rural medicine. It led to this boy, born, bred and raised in the city, becoming Treasurer of the Rural Medical Club and taking on any rural rotation offered.

As junior and training doctors, we undertake one compulsory three-to-six-month rotation in a rural location. I’ve completed several in Warragul, Ballarat, Bendigo, Mildura and Launceston. I’ve always valued my interactions with rural patients; I appreciate their honesty, easy-going natures and gratefulness. Now, I visit Warragul on a fortnightly basis and fly to Mildura once every two months.

There has been a significant decline in specialist services to rural communities because of risk and increasing specialisation in medicine. It’s very important to me that I continue to visit and provide services in rural locations, and that my rural patients can access the same quality of care as my city patients.

Access top-of-the-line rural healthcare services, ensuring that no matter where you are, quality gynaecological and fertility care is within reach.

How Dr Hugo Can Help

Many conditions can be managed with review, some advice or simple medication, and shouldn’t require a visit to the city. Dr Hugo offers some procedures locally, like insertion of Mirena IUD or Implanon. He can also provide fertility treatment remotely, offering ovulation induction services for rural patients, including Letrozole or FSH injections.

When an IVF Doctor in Melbourne is required, Dr Hugo and his team at Newlife IVF can review and manage patients locally in the country. Patients only need to travel to our fertility clinic in Box Hill for procedures. Treatment at Newlife IVF is more affordable for rural patients, and the care is more approachable than many of the larger corporate providers. In Warragul and surrounding areas, fertility Ultrasound and blood tests can be done locally to make the process more accessible.

How Dr Hugo can help

Access to Leading Medical Facilities

If surgery is required, this will be performed at the Epworth Hospital – Richmond, which is one of the leading private hospitals in Australia. Patients appreciate that all other care, including consultations and review before and after surgery, can occur locally when I visit fortnightly. My team will facilitate your treatment at Epworth, and ensure you are cared for by:

  • booking your procedure appropriately on operating lists to fit in with travel and accommodation in Melbourne.
  • assisting with travel requirements and government subsidies.
  • linking you back in with other specialist and allied health services closer to home for recovery,
  • ensuring you can contact me via telephone or Telehealth if needed sooner.

If uninsured, I can facilitate admission to the leading women’s tertiary referral hospital, The Royal Women’s Hospital, and care for you locally afterwards.

Helpful Resources

Helpful Resources

Rural Travel Subsidy - Victorian Patient Transport Assistance Scheme (VPTAS)
Epworth Rural Accommodation / Information

Book an Appointment with Dr Hugo

If you’re looking for a gynaecology clinic with a caring and experienced team, I encourage you to book a Telehealth or rural appointment with us today.

Rural medicine book an appointment with Dr Hugo